Choice of Wire for Dedicated Line

I'm planning on having a dedicated line run directly to the service panel. There is a LOT of RF in this area; as we have an antenna farm within a few miles. Any specific recommendations for wire?
Ended up running shielded 10-3 with ground for 20 watt service, grounded to a discrete copper dedicated grounding rod.

Dollar for dollar, this is probably one of the most effective "tweaks" I've done for my system, and could go on at great length re: the sonic benefits.

Bottom line: If you've ever considered it and can; do it.
Yup. I recommend Belden 83802/3 for oustandingly pure and noisefree dedicated lines. May NOT be code-approved in all states. RSVP for details.
Subaruguru, I've heard good things about the Belden cable you sell. However, I'm finding it extremely difficult to believe that any wire is 'noise free'.

A wire may be very good, but without proper line conditioning, I doubt that anyone could make the claim 'noise free' with credibility.

If you mean, the wire does not introduce any more noise that's perhaps one thing. But to say the wire removes ALL noise and hence the term 'noise free', well that's another story.

Even with the very best wiring and the very best line-conditioner, I would still doubt that the line is 'noise free'.

Correct me if I am wrong.

Hi Stehno. The point is that the cable matrix is well-shielded from outside influence, as you surmise. Re self-noise, it's thought that by using the very best (practical) dielectric (all-teflon), phase, echo, and hysteresis-like distortions are minimized too. Here in Boston we have a very stiff power grid, and perhaps my dedicated 83802 lines are unusually quiet without further enhancement. It's pretty clear that the noisefloor dropped after I introduced these lines and PCs vs the old Romex and other PCs (stock, Absolute Chinese, Belden 19364, Harm tech ProAcC11, and VD P3) I had on hand. No cable can FILTER out noise, of course.
But sly devil's advocacy can be fun, eh? Cheers.