Transformer stepup size

Does size matter in stepups, ie is there a correlation between magnetics size and sound quality? I notice higher price units (the legendary SU-1, AN or S&B) are a lot bigger than say the Lundhal (diminutive) size. What has been your experience?

Glad you like your MU as much as I..I can't say enough about how excellent a product. Dont want to digress the subject further on this thread, however that may be too late anyway. My recommendation for the MU came from TWL..who was kind enough to lend some opinion on the SUT. After owning one for just a short time, I can say his assesment of their use was spot on very worth the investment.,,:) Ken
yes, Raul, this corresponds with my experience so far. More lower frequency energy with the larger core designs gives more body to instruments. More satisfying overall.
I have only one suggestion when it comes to step up transformers. Quicksilver. Add ons should usually be avoided in a perfect world. Often we either are already in love with the preamp we have or we can't afford to trade up to the all in one unit that will sovle our problem. To see why transfomers win out over high gain pre amps or pre-preamps, take a magnifying glass and try to magnify an object. While you can see it better, you realize the more you magnify it, the more distorted it becomes.