What's the best way to clean vinyl records?

I'am getting into vinyl and have been reading about cleaning records with everything form soap and water,Wendix, expensive cleaners at $250, spin machines to machines that coast over $5000. I have about 300 to 400 records from the 70s they all need care. I'am looking for a safe way to clean records,not at a coast that doesn't make sense. What are your suggestions.
Hand scrub with favorite cleaner juice, dry with micro-towel and finish in KL Audio Ultrasonic cleaner. You cannot get a record more clean and static free. It is really that simple.
My new regime, which I am ecstatic with, is: 2.5ml of Tergitol 15 S-3 in 1 liter
aquafina (or reagent grade water) and 1.25ml to 2.5ml of Tergitol 15 S-9 in 1
liter of the same. I keep the solutions separate and do 2 steps rather than
combine them. Two rinses after the 15 S-9 with reagent grade water or the
equivalent and just the best sound I've had with my vinyl! Oh, a VPI 16.5 for
suctioning off the solutions. But this has been a big step forward from either
the RRL, Record Doctor and the AIVS solutions I was happy with in the past.
Cheap too compared with either one although the initial outlay is about $150
for the two Tergitols and the reagent grade water. BTW, Teknova sells and
ships painlessly their reagent grade H2O. The nice thing about this combo is
you know exactly what you are putting on you records and not taking anyones'
word for the safety or effectiveness of the solutions.
@Whart - I'm using a VPI 16.5. After I vacuum the rinse from the record, I gently wipe the surface with a clean, "lint free" cloth (usually a spent white t-shirt).
Doug, have you tried Syntax's 'reverse clean' (my term, not his) ? Ultrasonic wash, then plopping on the Monks for a point nozzle dry? Extremely effective on problem records.

Just noticed your question (a year late... not bad!).

I don't have an US machine, but the regimen you describe is exactly what I'd like to try if I had. The slowest part of my (verrry slow) regimen is the multiple solutions, soak times and vacuuming after each step. If US could replace most of those, it could be a real time saver.