Help with Meridian 518

Please share how you use the 518 to optimize your stereo system.

I recently added 518 to my system in place of my preamp. The 518 lets me connect my dac to my amp directly. This resulted in a much smoother and transparent sound. However, there are other functions on the 518 that are not used optimally.

I fudged around with the Emph/Deemph, different noise shaping algorithms, and the input/outbut bits, but they all sound the same to me on my system. I know for a fact they do alter the sound, for an old client had one, and he transported steisand into his living room with a mere touch of a button.

My setup:
Cal Audio Delta-Meridian 518-Cal Audio Sigma-Aragon 8002-Kef 103/4
Argent speaker cable, Emerald between amp and dac, and mapleshade between trans/518/dac

Thanks ahead of time.
(1) You are losing exactly 4 bits of resolution (out of a theoretically possible 16) - that's almost the sonic equivalent of listening to an AM radio built into the stomach of a plastic teddy bear.

(2) The resistors (10db in my case) are Vishay. It sounds like you're going to need 20db ones. BTW, this mod will void the warranty on your amp.

(3) The reason you don't hear a difference between PREEMPHASIS and none is that your CAL Sigma has a digital demphasis circuit (I use this very DAC for my Home Theater system). Preemphasis only works with with analogue circuits (which means it won't work with ALL of the newer DACs out there). When it does work, it makes a HUGE difference.

Hope this helps...

I agree with Glaucon but although Meridian prefer you use a DAC with analog de-empahasis (of course they would really much prefer you use one of their own DAC's....) you will still benefit even if the DAC has digital stages. The effects of using the 518 can be very subtle and it takes time to appreciate these effects. There are many users who have expressed disappointment upon first using the 518 in their system, but once they have spent some time with the unit the benefits become more apparent. It may sound cruel but using the 518 can very often show-up deficiencies in your DAC

Regards, Richard

Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I've done just aobut everything I can with the current equipment I have on hand to try to hear the subtle differences between the dithers and wordlengths. Even thought the differences were obvious in another system I have listened to in the past, I just have to accept the fact that I won't hear the differences on mine.

I believe my DAC might be the culprit since Meridian recommends one using a DAC with at least 18 bits, and my sigma has only 1bit (with 18bit resolution).

I have hooked my preamp back up, and used the 518 in type 1 mode with no attenuation, this means no loss of bits, yet I still cannot hear any sonic difference/improvements by playing around with the dsps.

However, the 518 allows me to hook the dac straight into the amp and dejitters the jitters. This, by itself, has made me a happy happy camper.

I will try to listen for the dithers after I upgrade my digital fronts, which won't be in the near future unless I see a Sonic Frontiers SFD1 DAC for about.. 400?