What Cartridge Would Make the Best Match?

Here is my system:

Rega P-25 turntable
EAR 834p phono stage
Audio Analogue Maestro CDP
Unison Research UNICO integrated amplifier
REL Strata III subwoofer
Spendor 2/3 speakers

I listen to classical and jazz.

What would be the best cartridge for my Rega P-25?

I'm willing to spend up to $750 for a new cart in order to get the best match.

Many thanks for your advice.
The response to my inquiry has been very helpful.

My EAR 834P has both MM and MC capability.

Thanks, everyone.

I've decided to go with the Sumiko Blackbird. It has enough bite to bring my jazz LPs to life with the other components in my system (i.e., my EAR phono stage, UNICO amplifier, and Spendor speakers) tempering any edge or brightness, if there is any edge or brightness with this cartridge, which all of the audio reviews say there is not.

Blackbird is a very good cartridge but it's quite heavy (close to 10g). Not sure it's a "best match" with Rega tonearm (Sumiko or your dealer can explain that to you).

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