Lost in Speaker Cable Land - $350 Budget

I'm wondering if anyone can help me with some recc's for my best options. I need two 8ft runs and my budget as stated above is $350. My system is as follows: Krell HTS 7.1, Rotel RMB 1075 and Sonus Faber Grand Pianos. I'm currently using Lat International IC80 interconnects. Musical taste is Classic Rock and Jazz.

I'm completely overwhelmed in this cable land quagmire. I am considering the Lat International SS 1000. Either that or I may just throw my hands up in the air and pick up some home depot lampcord in frustration.

Please help.
i would look into audio magic excalibur 2... all silver but no harshness or brightness just very accurated a detailed. look at www.audio-magic.com
I've been reading up on the analysi plus oval 9. Seems to get great reviews and would probably complement the sonuses which as you all know aren't the best on the low end.

follow up question - should i then also use the oval 9 for the center channel to best match the tonal qualities produced by the l/r channels?

thanks again.