Thanks, Sean and Lugnut! Viggen, regarding heating the Enzymatic Formula .... First, I think only the amount that will be used immediately should be warmed, because repeated heatings will degrade the Formula. Therefore, a good approach might be to put the amount you plan to use in a small container for warming. Second, warm the small container with warm/hot water until the Formula is warm to the touch -- about 100 degrees. This will double the rate of chemical activity (over an 80 degree base), yet will be safe for the vinyl.
Mc5baby, glad you also obtained good results with the Formulas. Sean's post, above, contains a link to the classified ad here on Audiogon -- it's currently posted in the Turntables section. Perhaps next time it will be under tweaks or accessories. (Maybe 'Gon needs a new category? Cleaning equipment & supplies?) I had previously said I wanted to make the Formulas affordable. The concentrates work out to a price which is about half the cost of other products.
Best regards,
Paul Frumkin