Results from Beta Testers of New Formulas

Hi everyone,

Please use this thread to post the results of your testing of the 2-step formulas. Thank you.

Best regards,
Paul Frumkin
Thanks, Psychicanimal ... and welcome back! Hope your move went smoothly. Must have been difficult getting into Florida, with all those other folks trying to get out!

The 4-stage water purifier is now plumbed and installed. So the CLEANER FORMULA with ULTRA-PURE WATER is now available!

Thanks to Psychic for suggesting that I make the CLEANER FORMULA available in a ready-to-use solution made with ULTRA-PURE WATER.

Best regards to everyone,
Paul Frumkin
p.s. Ads now posted under Turntables and Tweaks.
My order arrived just as I was running out of the samples. Many thanks, Paul. Much cleaning (and better sound) ahead.
I've been reading this thread with more than just a passing intrest.
After twenty-five years I'm delving back into vinyl.
New TT, phono stage and only a fleeting memory of my pre-play routine.
I've only about twenty albums left (the rest were stolen many moons ago) and they've NEVER been cleaned.
The last component (new needle) will be in this week and the vinyl system will be ready for play. Abeit on dirty albums.
Everyone seems to be pleased with the results of this two step process and to my way of thinking the basic concept makes sense.
I'd like to get some, I'll pay for it.

Also, should new (as in just out of the wrapper) albums be washed prior to use?
First of all thank you for the samples. I regret that I am dead last in responding to this thread as I have been covering audio shows in Europe for Audiogon for almost a month.

I will do testing this next week after I purchase suitable water and will post results. I have no doubt my findings will mirror others here, so my posts will likely be redundant.

It appears Paul has hit a home run in record cleaning formulas. Thanks for allowing Audiogon members to play a role in this important new product.