Dynavector Cartridge Load 100ohms or 47k ohms?

I have a Rogue audio Stealth phono preamp and a Dynavector 17d2 cart. The recommended load on the cartridge is >100ohms. My dealer said in he likes the 47k ohms setting better than 100. It does have a greater sign on the recommended (>100 ohms, not = 100 ohms) -- any experience with this.

Ultimately I'll try them all out but wanted ideas.

Also is tweaking with the gain usefull or should I just go by Rogue audios recommendations

Dear Robm321: It is not true, like Dugdeacon told you, that " the best loading for a MC cartridge ... etc ", at least not the all true.
The best loading impedance is when the frecuency response of the cartridge is flat: when this happen ?. Only when the loading impedance is the value that the manufacturer/designer recomended ( with the matched tonearm ) Maybe you like it or maybe not, but this not what you ask.
If you change the recomended load impedance then you change the cartridge frecuency response: you will be using these changes in the load impedance like an Equalizer, and this may be against the music reproduction and can't help to you and to your audio system, because if you resolve with an equalization then you never know what is wrong with your audio system reproduction: this is like when you have a headache and take an aspirin and forget about: maybe that headache has a cause than can hurt you in the near future, it is the same with our audio systems.
If you don't like what you hear with the recomended impedance then you have to look to other stages in your audio systems that have to improve: tonearm, headshell wires, TT, phono stage, line preamp, cables, loudspeakers, loudspeakers position, room, and many things.If you check all these pameters then you can have a better quality sound reproduction through your home audio system. You have to care about it.
If we have to change the caracteristics of a product design for it can like us, maybe it is a bad design and is better to change that product for a better one.
Regards and always enjoy the music.

You're right in theory of course.

Unfortunately the cartridge manufacturer's specified impedance was "> 100 ohms".

Which number > 100 would meet with your approval?
Hi Doug: The best in this cases is to ask to the cartridge manufacturer.
Regards and always enjoy the music.