TransParent Cables vs. Others

I am using TransParent Music Link+ ICs and will be looking to try a few new ones after I purchase a cd player this Christmas. I am using tube gear and think my system is warm, with excellent mids and highs. The bass is pretty solid but at times can be a little boomy in the upper bass/lower mid region. I would be looking to smooth out the bass (not take away) and add to detail. What IC under $500 used is the way to go?

What is your opinion on TransParent wire? Is the high priced stuff really worth all that $$$. I am interested in Cardas, Nordost (Red Dawn??), AP, and Acoustic Zen but am open to anything worth the $$. Or is staying with the ML+ the best option for the money?

I used Transparent Ultra and Reference interconnects and speaker cables for many years, until I tried the Ensemble line of cables last year. I have replaced all my expensive Transparent with the far less expensive Ensemble. Bass is smooth, definitely not boomy (which I too hate), mids and highs are sweet and detailed. You can find Ensemble cables for sale used on this site for extremely good prices; for instance, a 1 meter pair of Ensemble Dynaflux (their highest end interconnect) is listed for sale for $350 (retail $850). Masterflux is the next level down from Dynaflux, and it too is very very good. I recommend trying the Ensembles and just listing them for resale if you decide you like what you have better. You don't list your associated equipment, but I use Ensemble on tubed gear.
Definately love the Transparent Ultra xl Phono grade cables.. I use them for my solid state system.. very big improvement over the Mit cvt 330s I had...
For a tube system, I love the Alpha core interconnects..
They are inexpensive and sound wonderfully open and warm but not too boomy in the bass. Worth a shot for a 100 bucks...
Transparent and Mit are the main interconnects in all of my systems....
Good luck,
Custom Audio LLC