Verdict on Pure Note, Ridge Street w solid state ?

Can anyone share their experiences with these cables on Solid State equipment ? basics are Integra Research Digital pre amp, Classe 301 Amp and Legacy Signature III speakers.
The question is have Silver based interconnects and speaker cables reached the point where solid state usuers can enjoy the extra detail of silver w/o the harshness and listenening fatigue of earlier designs ? Also if anyone ever tried out Stealth UR , silver based speaker cables your thoughts are appreciated . Gracias !
Tried one MSE interconnect. Loved it. Bought more for whole system. Loved them. Auditioned MSE speaker cables. Loved them. Bought them. Sitting in a cult-induced trance. More music. More music. Meepzorp. Take my kids. Take my wife, (please). Transfer my estate to Robert. More music. More music.

Like, hey man, where is the next cult meeting?

(McCormack SS amp, Herron tube line stage, K & K tube phono stage. BTW, I tried both the Pure Notes VERSION FOUR and the MSE in my system. I had the Pure Notes and the MSE at the same time and did a pretty lengthy comparison. I really did like the Pure Notes and hated parting with them. BUT, I liked the MSE's IN MY SYSTEM better. A better bass representation, a bit more detail and a good deal more LIVE PRESENCE to the music, which is what I think MSE's are all about.)
Poeima XLR and Speaker Cables are coming. Two questions.
Is there any hazing requirement in order to be in the cult and when the silver is truly broken in Will I be able to see dead People ?
I see dead racoons on the road sometimes when I'm driving to our meetings. I see very big ones when I wear I/Cs around my head. BTW, no hazing. But, you must be able to take 2 amps at 120 volts while standing in a tub of water and wearing a wet t-shirt for 60 seconds without jerking around. We used to require new members swallow a fully charged high voltage, large value capacitor but membership dropped quite a bit so we changed it. I must say that our present initiation proceedure is making for some new members being excellent Christmas light shows! Come check us out if you're out driving around looking at the different residential Christmas light displays!
Im not saying I wont agree to the above, only I want certain assurances that the volts will be delivered via dedicated outlets, properly grounded , with the blades of the plug wiped down with pro gold or a suitable equivalent.
If Im going to die, I must demand it will be with clean Power !