help me pick a phono preamp.

Ok I just purchased a VPI Scout with Grado Sonata 0.5mv combo here on Audiogon. I now need a little help picking a phono stage. What I don't quite understand is "input load", how do you match that? What about gain? Budget around $1200 Any help appreciated. Thanks
Hey Todd, ignore my former posts. Heck, ignore all of the other posts. I'll give you a great price on a slightly used Grado PH-1--well matched to your cartridge, and they have such informative customer service.

Please enjoy. ;)
Edesilva, sorry you've had a bad experience, but just to balance the dialog over the Grado PH-1, another Audiogoner, "Dennisb," recently purchased the Grado Sonata 0.5mv cartridge and the PH-1 phono stage and he seems to be very pleased with the combination. I don't recall what line stage he's using, though.
Thanks for the offer. However I'm going to get the JA Michell dino, as it has finer adjustments.