Remember Electraglide?

It wasn't so long ago when Electraglide was one of the most raved about manufacturers of power cords. You don't hear much about them lately.It seems that the Elrods kind of moved in and took over as the new "King of Cords" for a while. I am interested in their new power cord, the Mini Khan. Supposedly Scott Hall totally redesigned it with a new type of conductor making the cord much more pliable and easier to work with in installation. The dealer told me that this new Mini Khan also sonically surpasses all of Scott's previous efforts and might even knock the mighty Elrods off the throne. Has anyone had an opportunity to seriously evaluate this new Mini Khan. I would love to hear some owner's feedback as I am contemplating buying one for my amp.
I have Electraglide Genghis Khan's and Ultra Khan and Elrod Statement II. For the M Khan I have some second hand news.

First let me say that Ultra Khan, M Khan and Elrod Statement all are superior to all the older designs from Electraglide and Elrod, incl. Genghis Khan and Signature. My Ultra Khan is warmer and more natural sounding and more 3D than the Genghis Khan.
My Statement is THE 3D champion and wonderful warm and musical sounding.

There are two version of the M Khan. The wording "M Khan plus" makes you think that it is the better version but this is not necessarily the case. It slightly more expensive though.

Friends of mine are very happy with the new (basic) M Khan.
One replaced his Ultra Khan with it.

Another one told me that the M Khan is at the same (high) level as the Ultra Khan, but different, so it's a question of system matching and personal preference.

A third one has both M Khan and Elrod Statement II. He thinks the M Khan is very close to the Statement, but the Statement is warmer sounding.

My Elrod Statement is phantastic, I think it's better than my Ultra Khan. It will be very difficult to beat. But it's more expensive than the M Khan.

In a few weeks I hopefully will hear the M Khan in my system. I very much welcome a light weight and easy to handle alternative to the big and heavy competition.
Thanks Uli for your detailed response. I look foward to hearing your thoughts on the M-Khan after you've had a chance to evaluate.
I talked with Scott Hall just last week. He said the new M-Khans were meant for front end gear only.

Brad, that's interesting that Scott would recommend the M-Khan for front-end gear only as the dealer told me that it would work with anything, including amps.