Home brew cleaning solution

Does anyone have a secret recipe for a safe solution ?
$30 + seems just a little steep for 99% distilled water.
Agree with Aroc. Brian Weitzel has explained this several times. If he'd wanted RRL to flow more evenly he could have made it do so.
When you apply the cleaning solution with a brush, do you start from the outer edge of the record or does it matter? It works best for me if I start from the outer edge of the record.
The Disc Doctor, Last and carbon fiber brushes are all about the full width of the grooves, so I start everywhere at once.
OK, sorry guy's I guess I missed this, why exactly is it good that RRL fluid beads up when intuitively everything would suggest that reduced surface tension is the goal. (that is, after all, the point of using things like photoflo) Is this "Voodoo Vinylomics" or is there a sound explanation?
I agree that reduced surface tension is important. It should be the goal of ANY type of cleaning agent to penetrate below the surface IF the design of that product is meant to do "deep cleaning" rather than just be a "surface rinse". After all, if you can't penetrate the surface, you can't clean anything below the surface, right???

You need something other than alcohol or water to really do a good job of this on vinyl, which requires the use of some type of emulsifier or surfactant. I am not a chemist though, so i don't know what the specifics of the situation really are. Then again, i would bet that a lot of these people marketing various "cleaning formula's" aren't "chemists" either, but that won't stop them from trying to make money. Sean