Pal - According to Stereophile review it is not so great on analog outs and pretty good (low jitter) on optical one.
If you decide to use it with DAC be sure that your DAC won't cut off few seconds of next songs since AE cuts off clock between songs. When you install - be sure to select "join existing network" option instead of creating separate one. Ideal would be to use 802.11n (5GHz) but if you end up with standard 2.4GHz make sure to select best channel (far away from microwave oven frequency).
If you decide to use it with DAC be sure that your DAC won't cut off few seconds of next songs since AE cuts off clock between songs. When you install - be sure to select "join existing network" option instead of creating separate one. Ideal would be to use 802.11n (5GHz) but if you end up with standard 2.4GHz make sure to select best channel (far away from microwave oven frequency).