Worst remote nomination...

I wish to nominate the remote to my Wadia 861xi CDP as the worst of a large number of remotes I have lying around the house. The little buttons are irrationally located, have obscure labels, and need to be pushed just so to get them to work. On top of that, it practically takes a sniper scope to get it pointed so it will operate the player from just ten feet away. What were they thinking?

Sorry, just had to vent.

Anyone else have remotes they love to hate?
Muse's remote for the Model Eight transport and the Connie-J remote for the PFR preamp. CHEESY and totally illogical layouts on both.
I hated the Wadia metal remote from the 850. It's receptive angle was horrible and it weighed about 15 lbs.
The remote on my Electrocompaniet CD player is the cheapest thing I have seen. Great player--just love it--but come on, charge a little extra and give us something proud to put on the table! The remote for my BAT 50SE pre is really nice.
Sure makes me appreciate the Conrad Johnson remote that came with my Premier 14 line stage and is standard (I think) with the other CJ Premier preamps all the way up to the ART. Just about perfect, IMO.
The absolute worst remote in my limted experience is the one that comes with the Arcam DV-88. Identical tiny buttons with tiny letters, non standard icons, layout and functions. A fairly expensive DVD player with a remote thats not backlit for use in the dark for watching movies in its appropriate setting. Not that it matters, it can't be read without a magnifying glass,the instruction manual and flood lighting! I guess I wouldn't mind so much that its so user unfriendly except that it does everything else so darn well! UUUUUGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!