Have problem choosing cables XLO or Tara Labs ??

I currently have a setup which I think is too slow, vocal image is a bit too small and forward. Hi-Freq is also dim and not as accurate. I used Digital SetUp with XLO digital cables and was satisfied. But I changes to a single box player so I am using my MIT MI-350 CVT and found the above problem... Not as fast and accurate, not as punchy and kind of dim with a forward soundstage. I am thinking XLO or Tara Labs will fix the problem since they are faster and more accurate cable. MIT was in my choice but I change to MI-350 and problem still exist. I like fast punchy accurate sound with pin point focus... Anybody with any suggestion? I have XLO 1.1 or 1.2 Signature or Tara Labs AIR 1,2,3 or Decade in mind... really don't know because I never heard Tara Labs. Are they faster and more accurate than MITs and XLOs?? Please advise...
I always try cheap tweaks with iso. and pc. before I goto an expensive IC upgrade. I have many many toys to play with, and by the way, a lot of them are unuse, s I will be happy to try them out and use them if I could, before I buy any $500 IC.
I switched to XLO Ref 2 Interconnects and Type 5, I beleive it was in my system, I was using Tara labs and Audioquest. But found the XLo was as fast as the Audioquest and but with the Warmth of the Tara. Hope that helps,


Pass Labs Aleph 2 mon's and Pre-amp
Electro EMC-1