VPI TNT record clamp

Has anyone tried any of the various record clamps one came use with the TNT. VPI has the original clamp that came with the table and now they have a new one. Any difference in sound? How about the Black Diamond Racing clamp. I have run across others of late although I can't remberber who makes them.
Dopogue, I take that when you use the Boston mat you don't use a clamp. Can you use a clamp or is it designed to use without one.
I own the TNT 3.5 that was originally equipped with the VPI solid delrin clamp. A couple of years ago, I bought the heavier VPI stainless steel and delrin clamp. In my system, the new VPI clamp brought about noticeably tighter and more solid sounding bass. I have no personal experience with the BDR or Shun Mook clamp. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has compared these clamps with the stainless steel and delrin VPI clamp.
Loki1957, I think the Boston Audio Mat was designed to be used without a clamp, and that's the way I use it. However, it's hard to tell from the literature and I wouldn't be surprised if the Boston Audio folks recognized that some people will use a clamp, come hell or high water, and see no benefit in alienating them. As a former clamp fan, I can fully understand this. Dave