Reasonably prices wires/intrconnects

I am putting a mini system in my home office consisting of PSB mini speakers, receiver and a CD player. I have expensive wires and interconnects for my audiophile system, but I do not want to spend an arm and a leg for the home office system. I would appreciate any suggestions for lower priced wires and interconnects that you might have.
Try this web site at or go with monster cable and wires.They have plenty to choose from for a small system.
Audiogon member Stu Wein, screenname Audioparts sells some very good budget cables of his own design.
There is a survey of the sonics of 12 brands of inexpensive interconnect in the October/November 2002 issue of The Absolute Sound that you might find useful. Includes Audience Maestro, Monster Cable, Siltech, Van den Hul, Straightwire, Kimber, Audio Magic, Audioquest, Tara Labs, Wireworld, Nordost and Synergistic Research; price range from $122 to $250.