EMC1 mk2 vs Cary 306/200...

I have a EMC1 mk2, and I am getting a Cary 306/200 to compare the two together. Has anyone heard the two? What are your thoughts on these two units?


I have not heard the Cary or the EMC. For what it's worth, I owned an Ayre for one month and did not care for it.
Drubin, you need to list your system here at Audiogon or at least list what your equipment is if you are going to say you do not like a product.

Why? Because it puts things into context. Because we have met, I know you were comparing the Ayre CX-7 ($3k retail) to a Sony 777 transport + Dodson 217mk2 upgraded DAC + probably a pretty nice digital cable (total retail value of somewhere north of $6-7k) in your system. I will be the first to admit you have some nice gear (I envy your Valhalla speaker cables), but you need to list it to show the community the system you used to make the judgement on and the products you were comparing it to.

You have heard my system with the Ayre. And you have heard your DAC in my system. I think you would admit that they were the sound was comperable. Yes their were subtle differences, but it was not a night and day revelation. The differences were more subjective than objective (by being pretty subtle). Anyway in that comparison we were comparing the Ayre CDP to about $8k or so digital fromt end.

Maybe the Ayre in your system was absolutely inferior to your digital front end. I just want you to put this into the context of your system, so we can better understand how your system sounds (and what components the Ayre may not work well with).

Anyway, I appreciate your opinion, and I would like more elaboration.


One more thing... I would never say the Ayre CX-7 is the end all player of digital, but for $3k retail it is great sound at it's price point. Used for $2k it is a steal.

Talk to you later.

If I'm not mistaken, you have not heard the EMC-1UP, which is the latest version. Perhaps you should. I have no doubt the Ayre CX-7 is a great cdp, but I'm just as certain it will not appeal to everyone. That's just the way it is.
Jm88439, I agree. I have not heard the EMC-1UP. However, the EMC-1UP is $5500+ retail. The Ayre is $2995.00 retail. I'd really hope the EMC-1UP is a better player than the Ayre CDP due to it's nearly double retail price.

I am not going to say the Ayre is for everyone. But, I will say that anyone looking to buy a CDP for under $6k should try to demo the Ayre. I would not even go so far as to say the Ayre is the 'best' player in the sub $3k category because I have not heard all the players. Frankly, with all the good press the GamuT CDP has been getting, I think it might be better in some ways than the Ayre CDP. But until I try the GamuT CDP, I am not going to make that judgement.

What I will say is that I have compared the Ayre CDP against CDP's & Transport/DAC combos that cost much more than the Ayre CDP (Cary 306/200, EMC 1 mk2, Ayre CDP/Dodson 217mk2, Ayre CDP/Dodson 217mk2 upgraded), and I think that the Ayre is better in many respects or at least is comperable (comperable, meaning both digital front ends have their plusses and minuses, and there is no clear consensus in my mind which is best).

Thus, I am just trying to get people to give the Ayre a demo before they drop $5k-8k on a digital source. If a person does not like it, I can respect their oppinion; however, I just want them to elaborate about what equipment they used to make that determination as well as why they did not like the Ayre CDP. I think I clearly indicate in my review and other posts both my equipment, and why I like the Ayre.

I actually may be hearing the Ayre in the next few weeks at a friend's. The Gamut, which I also auditioned, is another excellent sounding machine. I do believe the EMC-1 is a bit overpriced and I would not buy at retail. If you shop around, you shouldn't have to. The Ayre is certainly priced right if sonics are as good as I've heard. The EMC-1 however is built like a tank with one of the nicest transports I've encountered. If I ever decide to upgrade, I would consider using it as a transport with a killer dac.