how to upgrade this digital front end ?

The last six years I am using an ARC CDT1 transport, a Genesis Digital Lens and an ARC DAC3 (first version) connected with Translite ST glass cable.

I wonder if there is a possible upgrade with vast improvements on the sound quality of redbook cd's, on a budget of 10,000 USD.

Any suggestions ?
Try an Audio Tekne cd transformer between your dac and transport.It made an unbelievable improvement to an already excellent Audiomeca Mephisto II and the enkianthus dac combo. I am not sure what the technology is due to the unreadable English translation but it took out all the glare and relaxed the highs without taking away from the music.
I had my mind elsewhere when I wrote about the DP-75v. I still love the performace/price ratio of the DP-75 (earlier version). B.T.W. have you had the oppurtunity to A/B the 75 with the 75v? What did you think?
fatparrot: yes i've a/b'd the accuphase dp-75 and 75v several times. the 75v is a very big step up in sonic quality. better bottom end and midrange, much closer to top-of-the-heap analogue. -cfb