If it were you, which non-Sony SACD?

I have a modified Sony. It's OK, but not great. I have been considering the following choices, but am not wedded to them:
Music Hall Maverick
Shanling T200
Used SCD1 (OK, so there is a Sony in the list)

As much as I like like and use vinyl, I do want to broaden my digital experiences. I also want SACD capability along with competent Redbook quality. The used SCD1 is probably at the top of my expense tolerance.

Thanks, but my current Sony unit is also a DVD unit as well. It has also been modified. I am looking for something more upmarket and audio only. I'm not dissapointed with my player now, but I think I could do better both in Redbook and 2 channel SACD.

Read the thread. I did not ask for a discussion of the merits of SACD. If you don't have anything to add to the discussion, please don't hijack my thread. Start your own.
Hey slipknot, I would try to listen to a Tri-Vista although I suspect the price is way beyond the Sony's. It's a great thread as I own the 333 (and enjoy it, especially on SACD). I had a friend bring over a 777 and it was not a "huge" improvement, (which the 333 was over the old Nak CD2, which sounded like a plastic kazoo compared to the Sony) but definitely better and I am contemplating a SCD-1 to bring the Hip closer to me.

Have fun and if you decide on a SCD-1 I would be very interested in your impressions. Oh, listen to "slant six mind" by Greg Brown.

Have fun
If a used Sony SCD1 is at the top of your expense tolerance, consider
a used Sony SCD XA77ES. I would also look at the Shanling T-200. Both
of those are fine players and can be modified later when you get more $$ and the urge to upgrade.