Tonearm - Incognito VS Origin Live

I have a Nottingham Horizon SE T/T with Rega RB250 arm and clearaudio M/M Aurum Beta S cartridge. It sounds good - actually VERY GOOD! I am wondering however if an upgrade of the arm to either an Origin Live OL1 Mark II or Incognito RB250SE would result in an audible improvement in the sound - not merely a subjective improvement. Would appreciate your suggestions and comments. Thanks in advance.
I really hate to have to keep bringing up this subject, because it smacks of self-promotion, but have any of you read the "Strange Tonearm Tweak" thread on this analog forum?

It works great on standard RB250 arms, and makes a hell of an improvement in sound for about $1 in cost. I promise that I am not going to try to sell you anything. All the instructions and theory is on the thread. You can make it yourself in a few minutes for under a dollar. The improvement is astonishing, and is verfied by many users on the Strange Tonearm Tweak thread. It has been in use by me and others for over 2 years now, with excellent results and no down-side, as long as you use cartridges of 15cu compliance or lower. This is no joke, it is a great mod for pennies, and may result in more improvement to your sound than spending $500 or more on a tonearm upgrade. If you really want to get it right, then get the OL tonearm upgrade AND do the Strange Tonearm Tweak(HiFi mod).
Twl, I'm familiar with your tweak, but for some reason, I just haven't gotten around to it. I will give it a try, however, as it appears to result in no damage to the arm, and to be 100% reversible if need be present.
G, by all means, try it soon. While reversible, I doubt you'll want to do so.
I know, I've read most of the posts (that's a TON)
and I have no excuse...
I've been baaad.
TWL or anyone-- what is the compliance figure for the Aurum Beta S? I have one on my OL Silver but have not tried the mod because I did not know if the Aurum Beta S would be suitable for the mod-

Sorry, I have no experience with 250 rewires and cannot add to that discussion...
