Tonearm - Incognito VS Origin Live

I have a Nottingham Horizon SE T/T with Rega RB250 arm and clearaudio M/M Aurum Beta S cartridge. It sounds good - actually VERY GOOD! I am wondering however if an upgrade of the arm to either an Origin Live OL1 Mark II or Incognito RB250SE would result in an audible improvement in the sound - not merely a subjective improvement. Would appreciate your suggestions and comments. Thanks in advance.
G, by all means, try it soon. While reversible, I doubt you'll want to do so.
I know, I've read most of the posts (that's a TON)
and I have no excuse...
I've been baaad.
TWL or anyone-- what is the compliance figure for the Aurum Beta S? I have one on my OL Silver but have not tried the mod because I did not know if the Aurum Beta S would be suitable for the mod-

Sorry, I have no experience with 250 rewires and cannot add to that discussion...

Musical Surroundings shows a compliance figure of 15. That would make it a reasonable candidate for the HIFI Mod on a Silver, though right at the top of the suitable range of compliances.

Perhaps you could try a slightly lighter pair of weights than Twl used for his Denon and Shelter?
Leaving out the eternal bearing vs. unipivot arguement, why not go with Nottingham's arm? I here great things about it. If you don't like the wiring, you can change it out. And in theory it should have more synergy with the table...