CD Player with a Front Row Presentation?

I'm looking for a CD player with a presentation that puts me in the front row. I'm not crazy about a laid-back, mid hall sound. I like the music to jump right out at me. Price is not the most important factor, I'm more concerned with the sound. Any suggestions?
I used to own a Cal Audio CL-15 CD player / processor.

I seem to recall that it has a rather immediate sound.
If you don't want laid back and you want the sound thrown at you- so to speak- and money is not a concern, get a pair of wilson watt/puppies, they give you 'in the front row if you like it or not sort of sound' which many people don't care for when casually listening. I think it would be easier to use other components to make the sort of improvement your looking for instead of a cdp, what is the associated gear? have you tried cable tweaks?? Happy listening ~Tim
It will be easier to get what you want with the choice of an amplifier, cables, and speakers, more than a CD player. Nordost cables tend to be forward, especially the Blue Heaven and SPM.
If you want an up front, in your face presentation, get a cheap DVD/CD player. Most mid-fi and low-fi have that kind of presentation. Or better get a krell KPS-30i, it has the sound you prefer but open high, sweet mid, dynamic and punchy bass.

Hello Tireguy, which version of the Wilson Watt/puppies are you talking about ? Because I own version 5.1 and the sound ain't so as you describe.
I have heard several set's of them at various shows(model numbers slip my mind- one tends to see a lot in a day and its hard to remember all the details) it is just the way I felt they sounded(among others that I know and trust) it isn't a bad thing just not as laid back as some speakers. Though I am sure there are ways to tweek them and get them set-up more optimally, I don't even remember associated equipment! From what I am told the newer models(not sure were the 5.1 fits in the time line) don't sound like the older models- that being said I haven't listened to them in a few years. ~Tim