Best commercial press for flattening warped LP's

Does anyone know of a good commercial record press for flattening warped records or where to get information / reviews articles etc. on one ?
Thanks for the quick response and help. Sorry not to have caught this sooner. I am looking into possibly getting one of these machines. If I do get it, I will post a short review.
Rgds, Larry
Why not look at a used dry mount press for flatting prints. It would be considerably less expensive. I haven't tried it myself but it's worth looking into.
A dry press won't work - the vinyl has far too much 'memory' and will go back to orignal shape as soon as the record is removed from press. I tried !
I also tried with two panes of glass sandwiching the LP and running under very hot water from tap - not hot enough.
I have not yet tried the oven yet with the glass sandwich as suggested in an LP forum but this will need experimentation not to de-form the vinyl too much....
I have heard that two panes of glass sandwhiching the record will work if used in direct sunlight during the summer months.

They said (heat depending of course) it will take 15-60 seconds.

They also said give the record ample time to cool before removing as not to bend it.

You can find a good deal of info, including some from people who have actually tried various techniques, at Audio Asylum. Record dewarping is a very tricky business and one is better off trying things out on junk records to start with.

If I had any warped treasures, I would join a local audio club, then propose we undertake a fundraising campaign for a Record Flatter.