What cable caused you to become a cable "junkie" ?

I admit that I'm a cable junkie. It started for me back in 1979 when I changed out some Monster Cable zip-type speaker cables for the then new MIT MH-750 Music Hose. Ever since then, I have always been obsessed with cables( interconnects,speaker cables, and power cords)I keep telling myself that my system is fine, but ultimately I yearn to try out a new power cord to see if I can get that last bit of resolution. Any other cable nuts like me, or do I have a unique problem that a real audiophile doesn't have.
I'm a little bit of a cable junkie, but in that role I'm a big "Value Junkie": I like what cables can do, but I keep my budget in a certain range and see what I can do within that level. I've had more expensive, but I've found most satisfaction price/performance-wise with the following... I use many of these and tend to keep a set or two out of the below as spare:

Analysis Plus: Solo Crystal Oval
Analysis Plus: Power Oval (love the black wattgate model)
Outlaw Audio: PSC 1.2m Copper IC is a STEAL
LAT International: IC200 mkII is a great value hybrid
Kimber Select 1010: Reasonable price, great sound
Nordost Red Dawn: marginally better than blue heaven, at todays prices quite worth a look (though in the past, overpriced compared to BH)

All time LEAST favorite cable: Kimber Silver Streak - Couldn't be softened by a mountain of goose-down!
Audioquest Sterling - I had to have these- went deep into debt but also made my system more than I thought possible. There was NO looking back. Don't ever try these in your system unless you have BIG bucks
Monster Reference 2 Interconnects did it for me about 10 years ago.

Although less and less, I still use this cable as reference til this day since it is a Reference cord after all.

Actually, Sherod, I think I am a bit more of a freak than you are. I think I am turning into an AUDIOphile in its purest form. I think my system is good enough and doesn't need tweaking anymore. Yet, I ENJOY tweaking! It's FUN!

After finals, I am going to make my own interconnects and AC cords. FUN FUN FUN!!
Heard about Yamamura cables as "the best" from one guy and began to search for them. I went through many more affordable cables until I got them. Since, they have remained as components have come and gone. Now I'm onto power cords... still find it hard to believe how a PC can do so much.