Help me build a fine PC sound system

I’m looking for current suggestions to a great sounding desktop audio outfit which is pc driven or based completely.
Currently I’m using a Creative labs $50 USB sound card, and an Altec Lansing 2.1 desktop speaker system $200..

It really isn’t bad, and loads of fun. It allows me to play back lots of files & CDs I probably would not play too often on my main stereo.

So… I'm looking for recommendations of USB sound cards and a 2.1 speaker setup. Prefferably with both mechanical and software vol control, which will noticeably improve upon the aforementioned gear..


What are your picks for:

USB sound card
2.1 speakers
2.0 speakers

…… that will sound better than my above listed stuff? Actually it’s OK, but playing a setup disc it is easy to perceive how many areas of the bandwidth simply aren’t being honestly reproduced… but that’s about the only way to really highlight it’s shortcomings. Otherwise.. it’s well, fun…. And inexpensive.

Mainly the focus is for PC but if it will work with Macs too, that's great!. If it can integrate into a preamp or receiver or DAC too, that would be very nice, but not an absolutely necessary option.

Remember, the idea is a stand alone very, very nice sounding PC sound system first! It should be capable too of replaying file types from 16/44 to 24/192.

Do try to make the rig as inexpensive as is possible, so some reasonable and thoughtful blend of value to performance should be the real guideline.

I’m thinking too, as full range as is possible and likely a sub needs be in the mix… but nothing nutso.

Over achieving and high value items, front and center!

This might be fun…. Wadaya think?

Many thanks!
Jim, I run a PC with firewire going to an MAudio firewire to spdif converter, into a Music Fidelity XDacV3/PSU into a Cayin A-50T which powers B&W 685 speakers. Windows7/J River 15. The sound is pretty excellent considering the cost. PC is a custom Gateway, Twin internal 300Gig 10,000 rpm WD Black drives, 4 gigs ram, quad core Intel. I like the MAudio converter so that (1)I keep away from the dreaded usb protocal and (2)I am not limited to any dac with either firewire or usb input. With the spdif converter, I can have anything (except the Ayre, which I think sounds poor anyway).


ONce the signal is converted from 1394 or USB, the world is your oyster.

You might want to at some point, try either the Hiface, stick or EVO, or just go on up to the Lynx AES 16, card.

I had various M Audio cards, and a couple converters in here for a time, the Hiface was a slam dunk step above the MAudio stuff... BUT as importantly is the cable you attach to it, either the USB extension cable, or if plugged into the pc instead of a DAC, the RCA or BNC coax cable.

I went with the BNC and an Oyaide silver 1.3M BNC wire and was in hog heaven... until I took the plunge into a better interface for my gear.. the Lynx AES 16E... I'm about sure I can improve upon the Gotham cable that came along in that deal... but as is, all is much better still. In truth, best so far.

I use MC 15 & Fubar... I've about completely weened myself off iTunes now... and doing all in FLAC.
Hi Blindjim,
Hoping things are better in your world, and relative to this thread, just wanted to alert you to the fact that the next (latest) issue of Stereophile contains a review of better quality PC sound cards.

Oh, and regarding: >> I use MC 15 & Fubar<<
I Use MC 15 also, and am wondering if you use Foobar 2K exclusively for your rips and file conversions.


thanks.. doing much better... time... time is the necessary component I need now... and some new toys unrelated to audio apparently... well, according to some around here.

So far until this past weekend, I used JR MC 15 to rip with along with EAC, and iTunes.

EAC is ok, but it's only on one machine. I've tried Fubar once last year. it said I needed some other component, and I wasn't into the hassle then of going snooping around, downloading it, and then installing and configuring it.

I believe i"m going to buy DBPower amp. or do the trial ver first anyhow... and see.

All apps I use enlist secure rips, and mostly, I can't discern the diffs when rips are into FLAC.

The parts which bug me are the directory lists of folders and configuring them in JRiver. Especially store gbought compliations. I don't dig one CD winding up in 12 - 30 parent folders and sub folders... or having to go in there and keep switching 'em back and forth.

I'll peek at the stereophile article of pc cards once it get published online. So far, my Lynx AES 16E is still pretty fresh for me. If anything, I'll try out some other cables on it first.

...and I have been considering another DAC or just upgrading my own.

thanks for the heads up info though.

"I believe i"m going to buy DBPower amp"
I started a few weeks ago using dBpoweramp for all rips and conversions and like it lots. It allows ripping in dual file types to dual destinations, so you can, e.g., rip an archival copy in FLAC to a server for metadata conservation, and rip a .wav file to your playlist directory if you prefer that format for playback. It also has a reasonably good metadata/tag editor, which for many albums gets reads from several online sources and allows you to select your preferred result.
So far, JRiver seems to catalog the resulting rips cleanly and handles the tag structures w/o much fanfare. Hope that trend holds up, because I've also experienced the dreaded "15 - album" display from a single album rip or download, and not found a solution short of deleting and starting over.
