My gear is in an armoire and there isn't a great deal of room behind the equipment. I am interested in experimenting with some new interconnects but in looking at some of them I think the shielding adn ins some cases the extra wrapping around the RCA's would preclude me using them as they would stick out too far from the back of the equipment.
I am using Kimbers now and there is no issue as they are unshielded etc. But I'm getting the itch to experiment and looking for some recomendations from those here on which cables are good but are flexible enough to meet my needs. Nordost would appear to be one such selection but I'm open to hearing of others.
Your correct the Audience cables are flexible. But be very careful. These cables are made of single crystal copper. Like other OHNO cables, bending and twisting beyond some point will damage the crystaline structure.
85% of the best sounding cables are stiff as hell, (think think... it's so true) Kimber silver wires, Audio Note silver wires are good yet very flexible.
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