Help me build a fine PC sound system

I’m looking for current suggestions to a great sounding desktop audio outfit which is pc driven or based completely.
Currently I’m using a Creative labs $50 USB sound card, and an Altec Lansing 2.1 desktop speaker system $200..

It really isn’t bad, and loads of fun. It allows me to play back lots of files & CDs I probably would not play too often on my main stereo.

So… I'm looking for recommendations of USB sound cards and a 2.1 speaker setup. Prefferably with both mechanical and software vol control, which will noticeably improve upon the aforementioned gear..


What are your picks for:

USB sound card
2.1 speakers
2.0 speakers

…… that will sound better than my above listed stuff? Actually it’s OK, but playing a setup disc it is easy to perceive how many areas of the bandwidth simply aren’t being honestly reproduced… but that’s about the only way to really highlight it’s shortcomings. Otherwise.. it’s well, fun…. And inexpensive.

Mainly the focus is for PC but if it will work with Macs too, that's great!. If it can integrate into a preamp or receiver or DAC too, that would be very nice, but not an absolutely necessary option.

Remember, the idea is a stand alone very, very nice sounding PC sound system first! It should be capable too of replaying file types from 16/44 to 24/192.

Do try to make the rig as inexpensive as is possible, so some reasonable and thoughtful blend of value to performance should be the real guideline.

I’m thinking too, as full range as is possible and likely a sub needs be in the mix… but nothing nutso.

Over achieving and high value items, front and center!

This might be fun…. Wadaya think?

Many thanks!
Oh - Two more things I have to mention - If you haven't done so, be sure to check out:

- In JRiver, run Theater View/Audio/Playing Now, and watch the software glean a slideshow of images from the internet that are related to the album, genre, artist, and composer.
All while you're listening to the audio.

- Google logo for Wed, June 8, commemorating Les Paul.
Wow! Hmm.. Theater view huh? I never mess with that... cool... I'll try.

Saw the Les Paul bit a few times now.

I'm using a Lynx AES 16 PCI Expresss card and it's native ASIO setup on my XP SP 3 box to feed my Bel Canto DAC 3 with... ohhh, and via a Gotham captured cable 1.5M AES. No OEM Lynx break out cables. the Gotham connects right onto the A bank of pins.

According to Lynx use of an outboard clock is well, let's say it this way, 'not for me'. They said there was one clock in the neighborhood of a couple grand that could improve on their OEM clock.. but hey, $2G's? Sheeessshhh.

Perhaps, changing out that Gotham wire might add somthing to the mix... but in all, I'll be fine as is.

I've done the M Audio route already. Hiface too. Lynx is well ahead of them both... and should be too given it's price point... even preowned as is how I got mine.

HD Tracks

You might wanna slow down on those concord CD re-issues... and some older classic rock as well coming out of Concord Records. HD tracks it seems is fairly quickly covering those same Albums in High Res downloads. Sure, more money, but if it's not a redundant buy? mebbe it'd work for ya. HD Tracks just put out Ray Sings, Basie Swings.. in 24/88... and on hte Concord CD release, it sounds great!

I'm a big Ray fan. Of any CDs, Ray and a handful of others are the only ones I'd be redundant with... Depending on the cuts being rolled out. I'm nobody's groupie... so I am still picky.
Thanks for the heads-up on HDTracks. I got Ray's Genius and it sounds mighty good at 16/44, so can only imagine what the Hi res would be like.

Two of the Lynxes are included in the TAS review. Your less costly AES 16 was cited as having the better SQ.

But since you're feeding into a Bel Canto DAC 3, I'm wondering how your PC Board > AES/EBU > DAC 3 pathway compares to using one of the now ubiquitous USB converters, such as Bel Canto USBLink, M2Tech, etc.

Sorry I’m so late with a follow up here… been really busy fortifying the hacienda…. And I’ve had yet a couple more attempts by ???? to get in here. Amazing. That’s all about to come to a screeching halt… I assure you. Can you say 930 SPX 8 round semi auto 12 ga.?

I just read that TAS article myself. Fella was using a Bryston DAC, right? Woulnd up liking the less expensive PCI card than the AES 16….

Too bad he didn’t try the PCI Express card.

I use an AES 16 E. PCI Express… bigger… uses less memory and CPU resources… and costs a bit more. From what I’ve read, the Express has a bit more liveliness to it than does the AES std card.

I’ve tried a few of those same reviewed cards in my past. Wrote about some right here too in reviews section.

I’ve tried a few of the converters. USB to SPDIF or USB to BNC… they’re ok.. but IMHO, if you want to lessen jitter…. Improve performance… and increase resolution and detail in order to gain greater presence and get closer to the recordings attributes I’d say decreasing the juncture thru which the signal travels is key.

Take the signal off the bus, not off the USB. USB buses share thruput and chatter from mouse, keyboard, maybe even the PC’s speakers? It’s a minor item but I just prefer not to use the USB interface… for now.

The interface then, is as important too. Following that, the cabling sets the stage or IMO allows the stage to be set best.

I tend to believe too, there exists some synergy between the PCI/USB card or USB converter and the DAC ‘du Jour’. Naturally, it always goes without saying around here or anywhere else, and the ears of the listener and their preffs determine if a thing gets a nod or a shake. I don’t doubt the reviewers setup favored the combo of that particular card and his Bryston DAC. Not at all. My ears, rig, and so forth favorver the lynx + Bel Canto DAC 3. Sooo?

I’m a front to back (SOURCE FIRST) guy way more so than a back to front (SPEAKERS FIRST) guy.

THE SIGNALS INAUGURAL exposure or introduction into the system IMO needs be as pure and unadulterated as is possible. That’s why we use lossless conversion and secure rips. And why we should be placing high priorities on the Media Player too!

My problem, is I can not afford the setups that use exclusively one interface dedicated and highly optimized like Wavelengths, or Weiss’…. Or for that matter, Imperical Audio’s tact on personal confuser audio…. And now as we jot down new posts, PS Audio is getting into the mix…. Deeper and agressively.

A while back at least one audiophile had said he felt the PSA Bridge was better than his DCS outfit that cost many times the PS Audio Bridge setup in the confines of his system.

I’ve got the SACD of Ray Charles’ “Genius Loves Company”, and as well the Ray sings & Basie Swings ripped to FLAC off the CD from Concord. I might just do the HD download of it too… so I can have a playlist with better consistency in the fidelity department…. Or at least less disparity.

But as I said it is curious that HDTracks is yielding 24/88 & 24/96 offerings of those concord remixes not long after Concord releases them on CD.

Now… when HDTracks posts up Little Feat’ “Waiting for Columbus” now… that one I’lll re-buy… probably till God comes or I’ go to meet Him.

According to what I saw the other day on the DVD Extractor web site… a Blu Ray version is upcoming. Now that will stay on my short list till it is released. Talk about direcrt High res! Ripping BR tracks will be outstandingly easy.
"I’ve tried a few of the converters. USB to SPDIF or USB to BNC… they’re ok.. but IMHO, if you want to lessen jitter…. Improve performance… and increase resolution and detail in order to gain greater presence and get closer to the recordings attributes I’d say decreasing the juncture thru which the signal travels is key.
Take the signal off the bus, not off the USB. USB buses share thruput and chatter from mouse, keyboard, maybe even the PC’s speakers? It’s a minor item but I just prefer not to use the USB interface… for now."

I doubt if you have used a decent async USB converter with a good clock. This makes all the difference. Some of these have won Golden Ear awards, as well as taking best of show at RMAF. It's like trying a few cheap phono stylus and concluding that vinyl is a lost cause. Just more misinformation being broadcast on the web IMO.

Also, I dont understand your comment about my "confusing products", and the name is Empirical Audio, not Imperical. I make USB DACs and USB converters just like other companies. I offer upgrade clocks unlike other companies. Why is this confusing????

Steve N.
Empirical Audio