Transparent Audio cables


Any oppinions about Transparent cables?
I'm particularly interrested in the MusicWave Plus Biwire cables and mating interconnects.

High priced? Yes. Overpriced? No. Same with their rating. I am more experienced with their higher line cables but I can say that they allow for a more musical, full-bodied presentation of music than any other cable I have heard. No grain, deep natural bass, smooth, non-HiFi high frequencies. I have heard them make relatively affordable speakers sound better than I could have imagined. Compare them to MIT and any other you are considering, but do not equate them with MIT. Both use networks but divergent designs. Listen for yourself and learn about their upgrade program.

Bad, bad cable.... in my humble opinion this is some of the most overpriced junk on the market and has no business in a music system. I would much rather use lamp cord than live with horrible mess that Transparent makes of the sound.
There are some good values out there but the best by far is the 47Labs OTA kit... a few days with this stuff and you'll begin to realise what's really goin' on.
oh yeah and PS... Patricia Barber is also horrible
My experience is only with Transparent interconnects. I have used both the Plus and the Super interconnects. I believe that you must carefully match them with your equipment. I have a tubed Conrad Johnson preamp and a FET solidstate amp feeding KEF 104s. In my system they cut off the highs and mushed up the bass. I switched over to Nordost Red Dawn and the Highs returned and the bass firmed up. My equipment called for a quick clear revealing interconnect and the Transparents were just too mellow. The Transparents should be used on a slightly bright or overly bright system. I really don't like the fact that you can use Transparent cables as a tone control. I would prefer a cable that passed the signal on without changing the signal as much. That said, I think that before you spend an arm and a leg for their cable, you need to try them with your system.
I auditioned the Music Wave, Plus, Super, and Ultra IC's and speaker cables about three years ago. I found that they each rolled-off at the higher frequencies. In the comparison with other brands at that time, NBS Monitor III, Harmonic Tech Pro Silways, Silver Hyacinths (sp?), JPS Superconductors, Nordost SPM and a few others; Transparent were my least favorite. You really need to try before you buy. The Cable Company, and eAudioNet both have cables you can audition.
I have owned the Supers and have auditioned the Ultras. I own the Reference cables now (speaker and interconnects). I have compared them to MIT and found the two to be quite different as someone said above. I love my Reference cables and am done with the cable search. However, if I was in the 'Super' price range, I would probably try other cables, like Harmonic Tech, Coincident, or Home Grown Silver Lace, etc. More bang for the buck. IMHO