Suggestion for more detail

For the recordings I have both LP and CD versions, I notice my analog setup beat my CD setup for almost all of the recordings. However, on some recordings, the CD versions sound more colorful and detailed than the LP versions. Is that because of the condition of records? Will a upgrade to MC cartridge help?

My CD setup is Spectral 3000/2000 with Spectral-Link.
My Analog setup consists of clearaudio Virtuoso Wood, Eminent-Tech ET-2 with all upgrades except the Mag. arm tube, single Wisa pump and tank, Eurolab Premier with 80mm platter and Teres DC motor modification, HMS Gran Finale phono cables, Tom Evans MicroGroove+.
It may help to try a more detailed cartridge, but it also might not. And it might have something to do with wear on some records, and it might not.

Many of the newer re-releases of CD's are re-mixed.
As such, some of the things that were not so prominent in the original LP mix may now be more prominent in the new CD re-release mix.

You'd need to know that the mix used for the CD recording was exactly the same as the older LP mix, in order to make a meaningful comparison.

Many of the "digitally remastered" CD's which make a big deal out of this with a sticker on the front of the jewel box, are also re-mixed when they are re-mastered. When this is done, all bets are off, as far as comparisons are concerned.

Another thing is regarding newer LP's which were pressed from an original digital recording. If the original master was done in digital, sometimes the better version is actually on the CD, because the things that can make an LP better are no longer there. In that case, you'd have all the limitations of digital added to all the limitations of LP, and then it could be possible that the CD has the lesser loss of the 2.
Have you listened to any of the really amazing Fantasy 45rpm Jazz reissues from Analog Productions? Some great sounding LPs like these will help you decide if it's a software or hardware issue...Cheers,
Hi friend: Twl is right, you have to compare the same recorded versions on LP and CD.

Now, you have a nice system and certanelly that if you do an upgrade on your cartridge you can have an improvement in the sound quality reproduction.

I like the Clearaudio line of cartridges ( I own two of them ) and the Discovery is a grat one.

Regards and enjoy the music.
On most of those recordings, LP version is more of everything than the CD version. But, on some supposed-to-be-good LPs, the CD is more colorful and detailed.

Thanks for your help.