Warm and Wet cables?

Nothing Dirty....sorry.

I've got a system that is analytical with neutral to slightly hot treble but with deep tight bass.

On great smooth recordings (Chesky) I'm in heaven, on rolled off recordings I'm happy, on bright recordings... ouch .. A little to much.

I want to try and go for a more forgiving sound with a cable change. I think what I'm looking for is a warmer but also wetter sound without losing the tight bass.

I need 1m RCA, one 3m XLR, and an 8ft Biwire speaker cable.

I've seen mention of Harmonic Tech Truthlinks and NBS monitor series.

Any thing else?

Purist Audio Design actually makes cables that have a layer of water pumped into the outer jacket. That covers the "wet" portion of your quest.

Put the cables in the microwave on high for 5 - 10 seconds, and then plug 'em in. That's the "warm" requirement.

So there you have it, warm and wet...
I've owned or tried almost all of the highest of high end cables over the last 5 years+.

The ones I would suggest are the Wireworld Gold Eclipse III+ and the Wireworld Eclipse III+. The Gold's use solid silver wire and connectors..and the "normal" Eclipse are copper with solid copper RCA's with gold plate.

If you want to try before you buy...try the Cable Company. on line at (I think) fatwyre.com...no, I have nothing to do with that company, but have bought from them..as well as local dealers...they have a good used cable site as well.

It seems that interconnects and speaker cables fall mainly into 3 "sounds"

1. The type that people think are "fast and reveiling"..and with time actually are just lean and hot...and these you'll see for resale most often....there are many of them on this site....just not musical or real sounding, the kind of cables that you sit down to listen...and after a few cuts turn it down or off!

2. The "warm and tube like" ones that do what the old JBL L-100 speakers used to do...the "juke box" effect in the physco-acoustic octave. Just like the old loudness button on cheap gear....we humans are used to the vocal-lower midrange sound...your car radio and everything can do it...so cables that present this range more up front can fool you into that warm fuzzy sound...but you give up far to much information that the high-end is all about.

3. Cables that just give you more information accross the spectrum. Fingers sliding off the strings of an upright bass. A female vocal that you hear her lips part and take a breath before the next line she sings...and on the other cables you just hear the line...no breath no subtle sound when her lips part...etc.

For me the Wireworld Gold Elcipse III+ and Eclipse III+ are solid #3s and most others(and yes some of the most expensive and hyped) are in the #1 or #2 camp.

I don't want to name the others that I have owned or tried(mainly owned and lost money on) because threads like these can fall into people defending what they own...

I have tried these cables with high-end seperates(things like the CJ ART), high-end integrateds(like the BAT 300SE) and speakers from 'stats to planers..to dynamic box and boxless.

There are plenty of good cables out there.....but try the Wireworlds if you have the chance.
Dirty is fine with us.You are among friends,we will understand.Actually,yes,Purist Audio 'water'cables might work for you.I would suggest Maximus or Colossus.Perhaps,Nirvana cables could be a good choice as well.I don't like Cardas-it is quite pleasing but full of holes with exaggerated bass;'wet'won't happen with it.Colossus is, on the other hand,very linear and seductive.