Help me build a fine PC sound system

I’m looking for current suggestions to a great sounding desktop audio outfit which is pc driven or based completely.
Currently I’m using a Creative labs $50 USB sound card, and an Altec Lansing 2.1 desktop speaker system $200..

It really isn’t bad, and loads of fun. It allows me to play back lots of files & CDs I probably would not play too often on my main stereo.

So… I'm looking for recommendations of USB sound cards and a 2.1 speaker setup. Prefferably with both mechanical and software vol control, which will noticeably improve upon the aforementioned gear..


What are your picks for:

USB sound card
2.1 speakers
2.0 speakers

…… that will sound better than my above listed stuff? Actually it’s OK, but playing a setup disc it is easy to perceive how many areas of the bandwidth simply aren’t being honestly reproduced… but that’s about the only way to really highlight it’s shortcomings. Otherwise.. it’s well, fun…. And inexpensive.

Mainly the focus is for PC but if it will work with Macs too, that's great!. If it can integrate into a preamp or receiver or DAC too, that would be very nice, but not an absolutely necessary option.

Remember, the idea is a stand alone very, very nice sounding PC sound system first! It should be capable too of replaying file types from 16/44 to 24/192.

Do try to make the rig as inexpensive as is possible, so some reasonable and thoughtful blend of value to performance should be the real guideline.

I’m thinking too, as full range as is possible and likely a sub needs be in the mix… but nothing nutso.

Over achieving and high value items, front and center!

This might be fun…. Wadaya think?

Many thanks!
If USB is so bad, then why would TAS reviewer use it as his digital reference? How could it possibly get best sound of show at RMAF 2010? Golden Ear award?

IMO you have just been listening to the wrong USB interfaces.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve, I don't know how you can possibly defend USB with an argument about how a TAS reviewer uses it as a reference. I listen with my own ears. TAS also gave a great review to the Berkeley - actually saying that the berkeley/usb/berkeley dac blew away the prior PC with the Lynx sound card. You see, I take the reviews with a grein of salt. They always have the newest, bestest and only talk about the shortcomings of the newest and bestest when something newer and better come along. It is all subjective.

I remember reviewers saying that CD's were all the rave about 25 years ago. I didn't bite then, either.
"I don't know how you can possibly defend USB with an argument about how a TAS reviewer uses it as a reference."

It it more compelling than me trying to tell you that it sounds better than vinyl or better than the highest end Transports, which it does. You obviously wont believe me anyway. You already have your mind made-up.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
My PC goes via squeezebox into an Esoteric upconverter/clock into a berkeley dac direct to my amps. It sounds great. But, better than vinyl?

I still have not found that but will keep listening.
This guy knows USB can be better than vinyl:

You should at least upgrade that SB to a Touch. Much lower jitter. Then you can probably sell the Esoteric. However, you need to make more changes than this to your system to sound better than vinyl IMO. Even a Touch will not get you there. This is because the clock of the digital source is the most important factor, not the DAC or whether the track is 192 or 96 or 44.1.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio