Cd Player shootout ; which is the best of the best

Want to have some fun and at the same time benefit from some savy advice, here is the deal.
My front end is a Wadia 861 (actually an 860x recently upgraded). The unit's presentation is exquisite, in fact it bettered or equaled in various areas a 270/27ix Wadia combo I was babysiting for a friend while waiting for mine. However I've been serously considering going one step further and send it to Steve Huntley of Great Northern Sound(GNS) for his further upgrade which it's know to yield a significant improvement in the performance of this unit.
While doing some research in this topic a couple of units have cough my eye as serious contenders to the title of "best of the best cd player" Now I am wondering if I would do better upgrading my 861 or switching to one of these, the contenders are:
* Wadia 861 (with the GNS modificaton)
* Audiomeca Mephisto 24/192
* Audio Aereo Capitole 24/192
* Electrocompaniet EMC-1 MK II 24/192
There maybe some other worthy contenders but for sanity purpouses I've limited the scope to these ones.
For matching purpouses the rest of my set-up includes Lamm M1.1 monoblocks driving Verity's Parsifals via XLO Limited speaker cables, balanced interconnects are XLO Limited.
The 861 goes directly into the amps. in my current set-up but with 2 of this units I would need some volume control and am thinking a Placette pasive unit since ther is no analog in my inmediate future. No offense to vinyl lovers, I recognize it's many strenghs but at this point in my life am not willing to deal with it's complications.
Have you had the chance to compare some of these units among themselves? Your experiences will be greatly welcome and appreciated. Thanks.
In a month from now I will be able to compare my Electrocompaniet MK II against the new AudioMeca Mephisto and I plaqn to keep the better unit.
The Electrocompaniet is awesome, but my dealer told me that he is no match for the Audiomeca.
I just had the Mephisto at home this week end for a brief shootout with my 861. It was only two afternoons and one night (8 - 10 hrs. in total), the Mephisto d/a section was not burned in yet since it was being used with a separate d/a due to lack of a pre available. I used it with a Placette pasive volume control. The comparison was not complete apples to apples becuse the vol. control was rca and the interconnects were Cardas Golden Reference, the 861 uses XLO signature xlr interconnects. Despite the short period I had with marvelous unit and the differences in setup I reached certain conclusions which I do'nt think would change but probably be enhanced with an equaling of the conditions.
The Mephisto is a superb music making machine. As compared to the great 861, it's presentation is conclusively more musical,liquid and sweet with at least the same level (if not a bit more) of resolution and detail. By no means a warm, laid back or boring presentation but one smooth, relaxed but very vivid, in other words extremely analog and much closer to live music. The Mephisto clearly dominates the Wadia in the top extreme and the middle, the Wadia on the other hand has a better low end definition and impact. Some of it may be due to the different nature of the cabling used and the lack of burn in time of the Mephisto, I can'nt say. What I do can say is that I know very well the Wadia sound and for years have been a great believer in it's many strenths and yet no matter whith what cables you use them, I have never heard them produce music like the one I heard this week end from the Mephisto.
To what now remains is to hear the Aereo Capitole which I understand has a very similar presentation to that of the Mephisto with certain advantages in cost and in flexibility. I should be doing that over the next weeks and what I need to hear is if it can live to the high standards set by the Mephisto. The other unit under consideration, the Electrocompaniet EMC II I have'nt been able to get access to and based on the feedback received appears to be an outstanding unit, maybe the best overall value considering it's cost, but maybe a notch below this other two very fine units, althou a couple of persons have preffered the EMC over the Mephisto, a matter of taste perhaps?. I do hope I can get my hands on one before the shoot out is over. Will keep you posted. Thanks.
Hey Tekunda,
Remember to run balanced out of the CD player into the preamp. If cost is no object, get something nice from Nordost. Or better yet, a pair of EC's own balanced cables. If cost is an object, you would certainly do well to get a pair rom Goertz. Either way, the Electrocompaniet will more than hold it's own against any player that's out there. I was just listening to it again this past weekend at a friends house, and I must tell you that I have never heard compact disc sound more three dimensional than on that player. The depth was INCREDIBLE! like no other player I have experienced before, and I've heard many. Even the 47 Labs rigs which are beautiful inside and out cannot be justified cost wise after listening to a properly set-up EC 24/192 player. It's just my opinion. You have to hear it for yourself in your system and make up your own mind. Hell, if you think a Yamaha 5 disc player sounds best in your system, why not? It's your system. Do what sounds best! (To you)
Over the past year, I've owned Wadia 860, Electrocompaniet EMC-1 MkII, Marantz SA-1. I now own the AudioMeca Mephisto II and feel it is the best of the heap. I agree with Jmr above in his assessment of the player.