Which cd players.....

Which cd players are good matches with a Magnum Dynalab MD-208 receiver feeding a pair of Maggie 1.6 qr s?

I had used the MD-208 with the Maggie 1.6 at one time...great combo(now using the new BAT integrated).

In the big buck end the Audio Research CD3 is super..as is the Ayre...but for less the new Classe is one you really should try. See if you have a dealer that will loan you one at closing on a Saturday so you can listen and return on Monday.

The man I purchased my ARC CD3 from now has the Classe..and feels it is quite close to the ARC for less than half the cost.

For what it's worth...I've had the top interconnects from most companies..and the Wireworld Gold Eclipse III+ are super with the MD-208/Maggie 1.6 combo.

Best, Jim
Get the Audio Note transport #2 with the Audio note #3 balanced DAC and live happy ever after.