Does vinyl outsell the hi rez formats?

I know a while back that vinyl was outselling both hi rez formats and was wondering if its still true and were to find info?

Yes, definitely. I forgot exactly where I've read it . . . either Stereophile or Absolute Sound.
Oh hell yes, if it's in Stereopile, it must be gospel, right? (sorry, my sarcastic nature got the best of me . . . again. !)
The numbers I have seem suggest that new vinyl outsells hi-rez digital by a large margin. But who knows how accurate those numbers are? But based on my observation more new vinyl is sold. This of course ignores the used vinyl market which is enormous and not tracked at all by most figures. I would imagine the used hi-rez digital market is very very small.

I tried SACD for a while. And even though my tastes are mostly classical, I find more to my liking from vinyl. Plus I can get lots in vinyl from other genres (various genres of heavy metal) where I can't from SACD. So for me, vinyl made more sense than SACD.

And vinyl is high-rez, too.
I'm fairly certain that vinyl outsells SACD, DVD-A, etc. due in no small part to the DJ culture that gives some momentum to LP sales. If you count the sales of used vinyl, it is certainly leaps and bounds above the hi-rez format commerce.
Is vinyl getting more issues and wider distribution?
Is there more and more vinyl play back gear coming out?
Is there more and more SACD/DVD-A in you local disposable electronics/software store in high res formats?

When was the last time you heard someone rant and rave about how great thier DVD-A or SACD sounded?

As for me the high res fomats are high hype and low performance compared to a standard CD. I had such high hopes but- - - - I think I put my money in a new Koetsu.

I have a Sony NS999ES SACD/DVD player, haven't ventured into DVD-A yet, and probably will not. Granted there is a larger selection of software there.

Signed, Underwhelmed by High Res,
