Anyone tried Jena Labs new Power Conditioner?

It's on their website. I've heard it's around $6000. Anyone tried it???
"So, getting back to the original subject..." That's exactly my point, you never were on the original subject, which was, specifically, has anyone tried the new Jena Labs Power conditioner. The original subject never asked about any other PC, including Exact Power. Let's give muratc enough credit that if he had wanted a broader discussion about various PC's, he'd have asked. I agree, this is an open forum, and for me is very educational, particularly when the topic at hand is stuck to. Something, by my very current participation, I've additionally obviated. Sigh. All due respect, MES
No need to sigh Mes. Although, now that you mention it, we have somewhat deviated from the subject at hand. Let me refocus.
I personally have never auditioned Jena's pc. So, I can't give Muratc an informed opinion. But, I guess my question might be: What are they doing,(by design) that is so special? Special enough to justify such a hefty price tag.
And, by no means,am I being sarcastic by asking this. Would someone please explain to me, the significant or unique design differences so that I may know? I would greatly appreciate it.
And Mes, Thanks for the slap back into reality.
Buscis2- I am confused, you claimed you noticed your whites were whiter and more colors and now you say you haven't used the washing machine- what's the story, have you used it or haven't you used it??? If you haven't how can you tell which was whiter and had better colors??
Over ten responses and not one bit of information on this power conditioner. Maybe it dosen't measure up to specs? If it doesn't meet the proper specs, it can't possibly sound good. Did i say that? I must be buying into this like commercials blasted at you every ten minutes on TV. I would love to hear from someone who has heard this PC.
Buscis2, I like your posts, but I don't think this is one you have given any help on. Muratc asked an interesting question. I don't see where price was a concern of his.
I wouldn't debate Mes, I am way out of his league. Just some kindly advice, Mes has a wit not many can match.
Hope to hear from someone who has tried the Jena Labs PC.
Wouldn't that be nice if someone could answer Muratc very interesting question.
I guess there are not many early-adapters on Audiogon :-)

I've been hearing that this would be an awesome PC which will beat every PC on the market today but I need to have some reviews before I spend a good amount of money. The reason I asked about Jena PC was because I am currently planning to get 1 or 2 Audio Magic Matrixes. 2 Matrixes will cost as much as Jena's so I wanted to get some thoughts about it.

BTW, did anyone open a Stealth? I know it's not recommended but I just want to replace the standart receptacles. Besides the warranty, is there any technical problem with this? Loss of performance?