Anyone tried Jena Labs new Power Conditioner?

It's on their website. I've heard it's around $6000. Anyone tried it???
dear chichiuno,
for a years i tried many many kind of conditioner,(burmester,hydra,ps1200,wedge,accuphase,tice,......)i really dont care whats inside or whats doing.
i m just listening,and audio magic stealth or matrix are the best i ever used.
i would love to try also jena labs one(because i believe her) and i ll do it soon.
Has any one considered the pros and cons of Hydro-electric power verses coal and nuclear reactor generated with respect to amount of noise on line, before purchasing thier power conditioner. In Connecticut, a few years ago, we were given our choice of suppliers to choose from. I think it had to do with deregulation . We chose hydro-electric.Much smoother and analog sounding.
Yes, I agree with Dave, Hydro-Electic is better, the music is more Fluid like......
Here on Maui our power is generated by burn the sugar cane bagasse, the music has pure natural sweetness....
The music ain't the only thing that has pure natural sweetness in Maui. Love to visit and see the volcanos up close. Might be a new reference to judge bass by.