Wattgate or Jena outlets?

Anyone tried and compared both of these receptacles? which one gave you overall better results?
What does not survive cryo treatment well are:
1) mov's [they cracked]
2) silicone compounds for damping [they shrunk a bit and hardened].
3) neoprene rubber [shrank a bit and lost elasticity]. I also have been told that silver mica caps don't do well, and "some" adhesives".
Add the mov's and silicon (and other) damping compounds last, *after* the cryogenic treatment....that way everything will be perfect.
MOV= Metal Oxide Varistor. An electronic component used in surge suppression.

IMO, the Nylon plastic on the Hubbell outlets is more brittle with cryo treatment (piece cracked near screws). This would also affect the insulation resistance of the body. I don't think the NEC would consider this legal unless approved by UL and CSA.
I own over a dozen cryogenically treated outlets of various manufactures and have never had such a problem. Perhaps if the cryogenic process is not followed properly (slowly taking items to the proper temperature and then slowly returning them to room temperature it could cause harmful effects. I would return such an outlet to the business that I purchased it from for a replacement. The people I purchase my outlets from stand behind their products 100%.