fisher amp question.

hey there i have a old fisher x-202-b intergrated amplifier. i just purchased a turntable off a buddy. well the question is on the amp input selector button there is not a choice for phono. i wish i had it here but from memory it says col 1 col2 riaa1 riaa2 4'1/2" 6'1/2" and tuner and aux . im probably totally messing that up but anybody know off the bat what input i would hook a turntable too. ?
wow thats kind of neat. well im getting a turntable never been into records since i was a kid and that was on my mickey mouse record player so that doesn't count. so i assume that i should use the riaa for most records and if i stumble on a columbia record use the col setting and change the plugs. that is really kind of neat. he thanks.
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Clevelandhifi...Unless the Columbia record predates the RIAA standard (1950??) you should use RIAA.