Best CD-R Recorder--Tascam, HHB, Marantz, Sony???

I'm shopping for a CD-R recorder, mainly for "pro audio" use (to make CD's from live recordings made on my Tascam DAT machine), altho I'm also an audiophile & will use it to make CD copies, & from vinyl LP's, etc.

My problem is--just can't find many reviews on these, from any of the mags like EM, S'phile, TAS, etc., or online. I'm mainly interested in audio quality. I know there was a thread about this a few weeks ago on this site, but most of the responses just dealt with what kind of blank discs to use.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
While I can't speak about specific burners, I can suggest two very reputable sources of goods (media, DAT & CD-R recorders, etc.) to the live music taping & trading community. Check out Terrapin Tapes ( and Oade Brothers Audio ( Both cater primarily to folks like you who are digitally recording and transferring shows, and both have been doing so for quite some time. The Oades go waaay back with the Grateful Dead's taping community and even make mic. preamps for live recording. I'm sure either outfit would be glad to discuss features/pros/cons of various burners with you.
Tascam CDRW700. Got mine at the local Guitar Center for under $600, to replace a Pioneer 555 that sounded okay but restricted you to "Audio" disks and forbad digital dubbing. The Tascam sounds really great, is very flexible, and has burned several hundred CDRs without a hitch. Even has a timer built in.
I have the Tascam CDRW5000. It makes copies that sound as good as the original. Keep in mind that the digital cable you use makes a big diffrence, as does the brand of CDR (Mitsui Gold is the best) I would highly reccomend the Acoustic Zen MC2 digital cable.

You might want to take a look at the Alesis
Masterlink. It's a Hard disc recorder which
can do any range of bit sizes between 16&24 and
sampling rates of 44-96. Once the info is on the
Hard Disc you can "Master" it, EQ, Normalize, Compress,
Limit ..... and burn back to 16/44. You can also burn
@16-24/44-96 aiff format to cdr. Has 3.x gig hard drive.
(1.7 hours @ 24/96, 5.4 hours @ 16/44.1)

There have been several reviews on this piece if you
search the Pro Audio mags. I got one a year back and
it's been great!!


Joe T.
I'll second the Alesis Masterlink ML-9600. It is a wonderful pro unit that sells somewhere between $1800 and $2000 retail, but if you try, you can buy one new for around $1200.