What are the best DIY cables you've heard?

If possible please leave a reference or pointer to the cable recipe for the benefit of other members. Thanks in advance for your comments.
Twl, thanks for the lightning reply - you were so fast, you caught me in the turn! I'll build my first pair of ---'s directly with copper 30ga. (If after lugnut's indiscretion your homebrews become famous, how would you like them to be known in the afterworld?)
Just DIY interconnect cables would be fine with me. No ego to stroke here.
I made some cables per twl's recipe last weekend and they do beat my RG217 cables, by a small, but significant margin.

Since I already had RCA plugs lying around, and PTFE tubing it cost me $4 for the magnet wire. What a bargain.

Thanks for the recipes guys ! Twl .. do you have a good speaker cable recipe ?
Question about this stuff: the only teflon tape I could find is non-adhesive. It's really stretchy and sticks to itself when you stretch it, but it doesn't have any adhesive of its own. I need to keep looking, right? Is this the stuff you've been using?

Have ready to fire: WBT RCA terminators (x8), 25' expandable sheathing, 25' of teflon tubing, heat-shrink to go around, and this questionable teflon tape. All I'm waiting for is the wire (decided to go 32 guage, teflon-insulated silver, on order) and I'm off to the races. All I have yet to iron out is whether to run the signal wire down the center of the tube or wrap it with the ground a la Chris VH design. Anyone tried it both ways?
The non-adhesive PTFE plumbing tape is what I used and because it sticks to itself it worked just fine, and I haven't had any problems with cables unravelling.

And I didn't use any heat shrink tubing, or anything else around the PTFE tape.

However I did cheat and use some double sided tape at intervals along the PTFE tubing in order to help keep the wire in place while I got the tape on. Since the tape is paper it shouldn't affect the sound.

As far as whether to run the wire down the middle or use Chris's design I would say that running it down the middle is:
a) much easier
b) lower inductance (since coils are inductors)

If you do both please let us know how it sounds.