Anybody own Shanling CD player?

Anybody own or listened to Shanling CD player. How do they sound compare to other CD player? Thanks
There have been a few threads on AudioAsylum regarding this player, and I think the general consesus was that it looked very cool (to some), but other players in that price range sound much better.
I have wondered the same thing. It offers a LOT of circuitry for the money i.e. your selection of either tube or SS output sections along with HDCD decoding. That thing looks so "cool" that you could literally use the chassis and modify the hell out of the circuitry if need be. If i had a money tree growing in the back yard.... Sean
Check over on There have been a couple of reviews of this player there.
well we have sold out of our share of the shanling cdt-100 cd player until the end of july ...... we have our demo and I am taking it home ...

we love the player as do all my customers who have purchased it from us ... it simply sounds wonderful and is very musical sounding ... very natural vocals and great staging ....wonderful bottom end ....

is it worth the $2000 -- Yes and will compete with cd players much more expensive ....

we can not wait to get our next order in .. we will be carring the shanling line for a long time ....

good listening