Which Cord Are U Using On Your Stealth?

I'm awaiting the arrival of a used Audio Magic Stealth I just picked up on Agon and was wondering which cords some of you are using to power it? I'm using a combination of Elrod PS 2, Shunyata King Cobra, Synergistic Research Designer's Ref Sq, CPCC Top Gun; Omega Mikro Planar w/Active Shielding on my various components and power supplies. Take a look at my system for the complete list of components.

Any in this group that you've found to work especially good with the Stealth? Or should I consider looking at something completely different?

Thanks for any and all feedback.
Dave, all I know is that I had my amp cdp, sub and tuner plugged into my Stealth and loved what it did for my system, compared to the sound before. Now, having separated the digital from the analog using the Mini Digital, my system even sounds better. I'm not going into the adjective stereo lingo. It don't mean a thing unless you hear for yourself. Adding the Digital Mini was quite dramatic. Worth every penny. peace, warren
Try leaving the digital plugged into the Stealth & use a filtered cord on the CDP for better isoilation, such as a JPS Digital AC
I would get rid of the P300 and do as Warrenh says, get a mini stealth (your not going to be able to power your whole system with the P300 anyway), and yeah they sound a lot better if you use an Elrod signature cord. I was using my whole system plugged into one Sound App CF-X, and I picked up a Stealth Mini, and plug only my CD player into it, and then plug the Stealth directly into the wall. Amps and subs go into the CF-X. This made a huge diffrence over just using the CF-X, I don't know if it's the Stealth or the fact that I separated the analog and digital. Using the Elrod EPS 2 sig on the Stealth in place of the stock cord that comes with the Stealth is also a big improvment.
Bob, I don't think that's going to do it. Maybe a little better isolation, but you're still not getting the desirable isolation. Total separation is the way to go. It is, perhaps, too expensive, (for now), given the cost of the Digital Mini, so maybe your idea, after all, for a temporary tympanic fix, will do...
Any PC would be than the cheap cord that AM includes with the Stealth.

Warrenh's warning about Stealth break-in is an understatement. If you plug it into your system straight out of the box,you'll be very,very disapointed.

Good luck. Don't try and take look at the magic gem stones, or AM's BS will explode in your face.