Help on premium cd player

I've been playing around with separates (upsamplers, dacs, transports) seeking like many something that sounds right (like vinyl?). Lately been trying to find a good transport to work with my, largely used, collection of parts. Have now stepped back and realized that I'm already out $3-4,000 and still don't have what I'm looking for, and tired of the search. I want to listen to music. So switching tactics and looking for a really good player in the $3-5,000 range {used), then sell off my "inventory", rationalize cables and rack space and just enjoy (90% classical, jazz and vocals). My candidates, based on reviews and hours reading threads here and AudioAsylum, are

Accuphase dp 65x or 75
Audio Aero Capitole 24/92
Audiomecca Mephisto II
Electrocompaniet EMC-1 Mk2 24/92
Wadia 860x

As an old banker I get a warm feeling if the manufacturer isn't likely to disappear overnight. To those who suggest that I first audition and trust my ears, I agree 100% in theory, but it's not possible where I live.

Comments/recommendations from those who have owned more than one product or were otherwise able to directly compare two or more especially valued.

Oh, my equipment includes tube and transitor pres and amps so I'm flexible, not a zealot for either philosophy!

Many thanks in advance for your contribution. And apologies if this post is too long, just try to preclude questions rather than answers.
WARNING!!! for those of you who might not have caught on by now, audionut is an audio retailer. i'd therefore consider his opinions with around a ton of salt. particularly since he's not seen fit to disclose his affiliations. nor has he registered as a member of the audiogon community. yet another hangeron, tryin' to get some free advertising. if you doubt me, check out this post made by audionut on a recent thread titled "dac recommendations" :

Forget a dac ,sell any digital source you own and find an Aloia cd player.It is
the new reference for playback period.I sat for 3 hours yesterday in utter
amazement.I have never been so shocked by a component in my 20 years of
audio.It surpassed all other front ends including my 20,000.00 turntable.My
reference system is about 150,000 us dollars and I never dreamed a single
component could make this much difference.Piano sounds exactly like the
instrument with the ability to hear all the harmonics with the right timber.The
day before I was listining to my sacd player and thinking this is not at all the
way a piano sounds and didn't expect cd could ever sound right.How wrong I
was.Don't miss this amazing product.

hmmmmm. smells a little like six-week-old halibut, eh? his website is:

Subaruguru - you are correct. The EMC-1 Mk II is an outstanding CD player. In fact, at this level all the CD players mentioned are excellent.

Regarding which player is best, I think it's relative to each of us. We've all worked very hard to assemble our systems & tweak with various interconnects - power cords etc. to acheive what we believe to be the best for the given system (our own).

Grandpad will most likely be thrilled by any of the above CD players but which fits his tastes and preferences is clearly not our decision to make. Perhaps we should all put on our "reviewers caps" and provide better explainations of the equipment we "celebrate". I think in a forum like this it would be more productive than ongoing threads about "who's is bigger", I mean better. In a way - many of our comments regarding what we feel is best, are not too far from what Audionut posted regarding the Aloia.
And for what purpose? I'm not a dealer. I'm just a guy who spends way too much time thinking about this stuff!
I am not a dealer and the website you mention is not mine.I am a music lover who happens to post what I feel about what makes music.I had my e-mail address years before someone started using the same thing to market products.I own many products most of which I purchased from my local hi-end dealer.I don't buy then resale at a discount I collect and retain most of the brands I purchase.Sometimes it is the look as well as the sound which attracts me.I own Oracle cd 2500,DCS Elgar and Purcell,Audiomeca Mephisto2 as well as their latest dac,audio Analoge cd player,Sony sacd player and I just listened to and purchased the Aloia cd player.It is the most amazingly musical piece of front end equipment I have ever heard and I think I qualify to some degree to make this kind of statement.Yours Truly not
audionut: if you're not a dealer, then i apologize. just seemed like too many coincidences. it would help your credibility, IMO, to register as a member and tell us a bit about yourself in the "who r u" thread. -cfb