Question about CD 'Resolution'

how can you tell what a cd players resolution is I see things like '24 Bit Conversion' and 'Digital Processing 24-bit' and '24/96 Dac' but then you end up finding out that the players real 'Digital Resolution' is only in actuality 20 bits.

Some companies only give the number of Bits used in the DAC, but how can you find out what the actual resolution is?
Who cares?! I know that on the surface, this might seem like an important bit of information, but build and component quality and circuit design are the import factors. Musicality, and sound quality are what we're all looking for. Read the forums, listen to as many units as possible (piano and violin will let you know how good the Sonics of a CD unit really are). Don't get caught up in marketing "hype"...let your ears be the judge! Happy Tunes!
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I have read that one reason higher bit DACs outperform 16bit even though the data is 16bit, is because a 16bit DAC is actually less than 16bit in actual use. Some data is lost or cut off. The higher bit DACs give the data more room, just like adding processing power or memory to your computer. There are some DAC experts like Jeff in Montreal who could probably answer this better.
Overall design is more important than sample rate. New 24/96 recordings may sound better on 24/96 players but there are not that many available.