best cartridge for MMF-7, stock tonearm,below1000

I need help selecting a new cartridge for my MMF-7, it currently has the stock arm with goldring m/c cartidge. I am using a PH-1 phono stage, with a tube pre, sunfire amp, and VMPS STR/SE speakers. I would like to stay under 1000.00 if possibe, Thanks, Rob.
Go to Larry at Hollywood sound is very helpful and will not over sell you. The 10X5 was better than a Bens Glider series 1, he helped me a lot on my MM7.

Do not overlook the excellent value represented by a new Scheu Premier II table. I was quoted 2200 landed for a Premier II with Scheu 12" classic unipivot arm mounted INCLUDING shipping to California from Germany. A real deal; performance up there with the best. Scheu also offers a very attractive model called the Cello. With a RB250 arm it is about 1200 landed. Buy it without an arm and it is a few hundred less; mount your own arm. Great table if you want to stay around a grand. It uses the same bearing as the more expensive Premier.
I just bought a VPI HW19 Mk III on A'gon and feel that it is a great table for the money these are selling for now on the used market.

If you could find a MK IV for under $1,000 with a good tonearm you'd be getting $2,000+ worth of excellent table for $900 or so.

The Scoutmaster is a great table I'm sure, but the price would be twice what a used HW 19 Mk IV would run you.

Paul Green