Having never heard your particular model, I wouldn't want to jump in and say that the Technics is crappy, but will say this. With exception of a couple of comments from some folks who do heavy mods on SL1200s, not too many comments have arisen praising the sound of Technics tables. Sure it could be in less than great condition, due to age etc., but there are plenty of Thorens and other old tables out there that still sound great.
I would try to listen to someone else's system with a decent table before you give up on analog. A cd vs vinyl of your Gaucho LP will be all you need to hear. Many of us have also plunged back in, and most are happier for it. I know I am.
Another thing that will greatly affect the sound is a good wet cleaning of the LPs. Many threads here will explain various methods that you can try. Regardless of which you choose, a good fluid/brushing routine will make a big improvement, and is really a requirement to getting enjoyment out of your records Cheers,