Theta Gen Va Mods

Does anyone know if any mods are available for the Theta Gen. Va or a Jitter reduction units that woll with improve this unit?
The unit is balanced and has the 20/96 upgrade. I am thinking about getting the Genesis Digital Lens, but is it worth the bucks and what kind of improvement can I expect.
Thanks to all
I also have a Genesis Digital Lens that I use between my transports and TacT RCS unit. I recently picked up a Theta
Jade transport which has the "jitter jail" circuit. The Jade sounds just has good if not better running directly
into the RCS. The DL doesn't support 24/96 or 20/96. PSAudio who owns the rights to the DL, have talked about a DL II. I think there's a market need for a jitter/clock devise to use with hi-rez formats. Some TacT users are using the Apogee Big Ben for this application.
I installed my Digital Lens today. I put it between my Theta Data Basic II CDT and Theta DS Pro Gen Va DAC and conected with Illuminati Orchid digital cable.

The resoult is simply mind blowing. The added smoothness, detail, air, texture and bloom totally transformed my system. The addition of DL brought bigger improvement than going from DS Pro Prime II DAC to Gen Va !

Best 500$ EVER spent on audio.